FP for Sceptics: Introduction to Option Type

Functional Programming (FP) is based around mathematical concepts like Type Theory - We define our system in terms of ADTs, data flow & functions1.

We first implement "Happy Path" and then implement handlers for "Unhappy Path" (error handling). In ADTs in Practice we used "Exceptions" (IO.raiseError) for error handling.

However FP promotes using types for error handling, such as:

  • Option
  • Either
  • Monad
  • etc.

In this post we will start by looking at the simplest of these:

Option type denotes presence (Some(value)) or absence (None) of a value.

Option has Some(value) & None. What are two ways of using it?

In programming, we use functions and methods to do any action and return a value2. Depending upon the logic we may or may not have a return value.

Imperative Programming Languages (Java, Python etc) express this using either null or an Exception.

In Functional programming we can use Option type to say the value may exist.

Is this practical? Consider retrieving a value from a HashMap or a Dictionary.

val hMap: Map[Int, Int] = Map(1 -> 102, 2 -> 202, 3 -> 302)

// What should be the value here?
// `100` does not exist in `hMap`

In non-FP languages, we need to do null check or have exception handling around hMap.get.

In FP languages, hMap.get will return an Option and depending upon the flow of the program, we have two ways of dealing with it:

  • Extract value
  • Work within Option context

Extract value

This is useful when we want to directly work with a value, whether it exists or not.

There are two ways to extract a value from an Option

  • getOrElse
  • Pattern Matching


This is idiomatic in Scala and similar function/method is available in other imperative languages as well.

def getFromOption(opt: Option[String]): String =
    "Got Value: " + opt.getOrElse("None")

getFromOption(Some("100")) // "Got Value: 100"

getFromOption(None) // "Got Value: None" 

Pattern Matching

Pattern Matching is the "functional way" of extracting a value.3

def extractFromOption(opt: Option[String]): String =
  opt match {
    case None        => "Got Value: " + "None"
    case Some(value) => "Got Value: " + value

extractFromOption(Some("100")) // "Got Value: 100"

extractFromOption(None) // "Got Value: None" 

What about .get?

Option type also has .get method but it is unsafe to use as None.get will throw an exception and we want to avoid running into such errors.

Note: Option ensures that we will never run into NullPointerException (NPE) thanks to .getOrElse & pattern matching4.

Work within Option context

This is useful when we want to work with an Option type without extracting the value at every turn, which will get cumbersome.

Consider the flow:

Functional flow

which is defined by the following functions

val hMap: Map[Int, Value] = 
    1 -> Value(102),
    2 -> Value(202),
    3 -> Value(302)

def getOptionValue(i: Int): Option[Value] = hMap.get(i)

def addTen(i: Value): Value10 = Value10(i.value + 10)

def asString(num: Value10): String = s"${num.value}"

case class Value(value: Int) extends AnyVal
case class Value10(value: Int) extends AnyVal

There are two ways of working within Option context

Working within Option Context

Using map to compose our functions

map is useful when a function in the chain returns an Option and rest of functions need to be executed only if function's input is available.

def mapOpt(i: Int): Option[String] =

extractFromOption(mapOpt(3)) // "Got Value: 312"

extractFromOption(mapOpt(100)) // "Got Value: None"

def extractFromOption(opt: Option[String]): String =
  opt match {
    case None        => "Got Value: " + "None"
    case Some(value) => "Got Value: " + value

Using for-comprehension or flatMap5

for-comprehension (and flatMap) are useful when multiple functions in the chain return Option and but we only want to execute the next function if function's input is available.

// Using for-comprehension
def forOpt(i: Int): Option[String] =
  for {
    value <- hMap.get(i)
    val10 <- Option.apply(addTen(value))
    str   <- Option.apply(asString(val10))
  } yield str

// Using flatMap
def flatMapOpt(i: Int): Option[String] =
    .flatMap(valOpt => Option.apply(addTen(valOpt)))
    .flatMap(val10 => Option.apply(asString(val10)))

// for-comprehension
extractFromOption(forOpt(3)) // "Got Value: 312"
extractFromOption(forOpt(100)) // "Got Value: None"

// flatmap
extractFromOption(flatMapOpt(3)) // "Got Value: 312"
extractFromOption(flatMapOpt(100)) // "Got Value: None"

def extractFromOption(opt: Option[String]): String =
  opt match {
    case None        => "Got Value: " + "None"
    case Some(value) => "Got Value: " + value

Note: The code is a straightforward to read because we need not check for None at every step.


In this post we looked at Option type - what, how & why to use it.

We saw how it:

  • Elegantly handles possible null cases so that we don't run into NullPointerException or similar issues.
  • Makes code declarative/functional to read.

In my next post I will cover where, when and to what extent Option type is useful in practical applications.

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FP for Sceptics: Algebraic Data Types


Complete code can be found at: Gist 9554bf80cf98aede3304faa190db2938

  1. See Introduction to ADTs 

  2. For sake of simplicity we are ignoring mutablity and impure functions. 

  3. Pattern Matching is quite versatile as we will see in case of Either. I plan on writing a separate post about its versatility. 

  4. The caveat is that if we have Option[None] then we risk NPE at next level. However Option[None] is a code smell and needs to be fixed. 

  5. If you are unfamiliar with how flatMap or for-comprehension works, you can ignore for-comprehension for now. I will be covering map/flatMap in a future post.